Thursday, June 28, 2007


Tonight after talking to my family I turned on the TV and the show "The Hour" was on. Tonight they had this guy on there that has a blog and has written a book or two!! Frank's blog is dedicated to "Secrets" of people. You can email or mail homemade or bought postcards to him about secrets that you need to get off your mind, chest, or just in need to tell someone and have never been able to tell anyone!! On the show he stated that he receives around 1000 postcards a week from people telling him their "secret" and then every Sunday he posts I think 20 new postcards on the website!!

Some of the postcards you can relate too and others you think how sad for that person...... They have a comment section which I think that the website could do with out....

But anyway here is the site One of the comments that Frank made on the tv show tonight was how many times after posting the "secret" the sender has replyed back to Frank stating how it helped that person just to get it off of their chest..... or just by sending the postcard how a weight was lifted off of their shoulders!!

In today's world we are so busy working, trying to keep up with the Jonees, and taking care of everyone else that we forget how to take care of ourselves..... and only realizing sometimes what truly is going on when it is all most too late!!!

A little different post tonight....

Jamie and I were these people..... work,work,work, go, go, go never taking time for ourselves!!! This spring reality set in that we have had to learn to take it easy.... learn to take care of ourselves..... I was asked a couple of weeks ago by someone "What truly has to be done in a day that couldn't wait to be done tomorrow?" .....That person went on to say for example.. if your house is on fire you really can't put it off till tomorrow......but that if you are enjoying time with your kids....the weeds in the garden that are already 3 feet high can wait to tomorrow to be picked!!

This same person asked my husband "How do you eat an Elephant???"

The answer to this question is how he thinks we should live our lives....... Does anyone know the answer???

Until tomorrow!!!

Lana Lee

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Lazy Days of Summer

I just got off the phone with my family!! They were all getting ready for bed!! Nova Scotia is 3 hours ahead of Saskatchewan!!! The twins were in the bath tub and Jamie was having a shower!!

I got to talk to the twins first!! They were all excited about going down to the big `lake` and taking pictures of all the boats..... Lynn (Jamie`s mom) tried explaining to them that the BIG LAKE was the ocean... but being who they are stated that that was a lake!!! lol

The next thing they were excited about was going to the farm.. Jamie`s family has a dairy farm .... They played with their cousins in the afternoon ..... went home for supper and back to the farm for more playing!!! Before they left Elshie stated that she wasnt going back to that stinky farm!! During christmas we had gone to Nova Scotia and took her into the dairy barns with all the cows!!! She said that those cows stink and poop everywhere!!! Elshie is a very girly girl!!!

They had to inform me that they had LOBSTER for lunch!!! lol.. knowing full well how much I want to have some fresh lobster!! Elshie and Surfie said they left some for me!! lol

Jamie was in his glory too today!! He got to do yard work.. trim trees, cut the grass... you know what we all consider work!!! Tomorrow`s feat is to finish trimming the trees and tackle the flower beds to have them ready for me!!!

I said to him you know this is suppose to be a vacation!!! lol Oh well whatever makes him happy!!!

I will leave you some more pictures from this past weekend of the kids!!

Lana Lee

Monday, June 25, 2007


Yesterday was a long day and sad day!! I took Jamie, the kids and my mother in law to Regina so they could fly out to Nova Scotia!!! I stayed behind to finish up school so that I am ready to start my new job when I get back from Nova Scotia!!!

Today was my first day away from my kids and husband and I am already counting the days before I fly out!!! I leave saturday from Regina!!!

The house is pretty quiet, just the dog and I, some music and the sound of the computer keys as I am typing!!

This house hasn't been this quiet since well before the kids come home!! I had all these things planned....for when they left... you know.... clean the house, clean and organize the kid's bedroom, weed the garden.... all can think about is Jamie, Surfie and Elshie!!!

On a different note...... Once I get to Nova Scotia we are all headed over to PEI to meet up with the other adoption families!!! One couple are about to leave to get their two girls!!! Another lady just got her refferal.... it is always great to see this!!! Another family just came home a few months back with a set of sibs... making them a family of 6!!! I am sure hoping that the family we traveled with from NB will be there too!!! As always we will have a great time talking and visiting with the families!! After this I think the plan is to stay in PEI for the next few days!!!

When Jamie and I got married 6 years ago we honeymooned in PEI!!! So we would like to take the kids back now and show them what a beautiful province it is!!! Last time we were there we went to Ghephettos Workshop - this is where the man made puppets from wood !! They were such a great couple.....I hope this place is still there!!! We also went to a place called Woodleigh - there they had castles made to scale!! If I remember right there is a place called North Rustico too that had a restuarant with a 60 foot salad bar!!!! I have very fond memories of PEI and am very excited to be going back during the summer again!!!

I have the kids already pumped about the red clay that PEI has!!! They wanted to take jars so they could show everyone back here the red dirt that they got to play in!!! lol

At the graduation party we had for the kids.. one couple gave them a camera and photo album for each of them to save their memories of their family vacation!!! They also received some money so they could buy things to bring back from their trip!!!

I will keep you posted on our travels !!!

Lana Lee

Friday, June 22, 2007

Graduation Day

Kindergarten Graduation Day!!

Today Elshie and Surfie graduated from Kindergarten!!!

Jame's mom, Lynn flew in on Wednesday from Nova Scotia to be with us this weekend and then fly back with Jamie and the kids on Monday!! So Lynn, Jamie, Marie (The kid's great grandmother), Gloria (my mother), and myself went in to watch the kid's graduation!!!

We will be holding a Graduation Party for Elshie and Surfie tomorrow at mom and dad's farm.

Here is a few pictures of the proud graduates!!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Good Day!!!!

Just a quick post tonight!!

Jamie and I put the finishing touches on the sandbox today!!! We put the back on, the last two benches and then put the swing set in the box with the help from a neighbour and the kids!!!

Here are a few pictures of the kids and their new sandbox!!!

Lana Lee

Monday, June 18, 2007

Father's Day

Well I guess I will start by saying that I would like to Thank Shelley for fixing my "picture" problem!! I am not a computer "techy" person!!

So now on with Father's Day - Anyone who knows my family will know that "Duchek's" do everything "BIG"!! I am sad to say I think it has spread to us younger generation "Duchek's" too!!

This weekend we decided that it was time the kids have a sandbox!!! So on Saturday Jamie and I went into Esterhazy to buy some lumber and started to build the sandbox!!! By supper time we were ready for sand but we couldn't haul sand until Sunday - Father's Day..

We woke up on Father's Day to RAIN!!! RAIN and More RAIN!!!

My dad and mother came over with the grain truck and took the kids and went to the sand pit!! I guess I should tell you the size since we needed two grain truck loads of sand!!

We decided that the sand box should be 32 feet by 20 feet so we could put their swing set in it!!

So through the rain and wind Jamie, myself, Elshie, Surfie, Shilo (Our Dog) and my father filled and leveled out the sand box!! My mom cooked lunch and watched from the inside!!

Here is some pictures from our father's day adventure!!

Lana Lee

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Change of Plans

Hello Everyone,

I know that I haven't posted for awhile so here is a little update:

I have formally accepted a position with Sunrise Health Region a couple of weeks ago!! I will be starting my new position as Regional Health Information Manager on July 16!!! I am so excited.. I gave my notice to my old job about a week ago.

We have decided to fly back to Nova Scotia now just because of time ... Jamie and the kids fly out June 25 from Regina and I fly out June 30. Jamie and the kids are flying back on July 21 and I will be flying back on July 12. I have to leave later just because I am finishing up some school commitments!!

We are still planning on venturing out around Nova Scotia and spending some time in PEI. We also hope to catch up with some of the Adoptive Families while we are in the Martimes!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Went Back to School

Well today I went back to school.... that is kindergarten!!! I decided that since I am not working that I would volunteer some time at the school!! I am not sure what I was thinking when I phoned the teacher and said sure I can come in and help!!??? What do you need and how many days would you like me to come in!!??

I get there at 8:50 in the morning so proud... excited.... just pumped to spend the day in the classroom with the kids!!! Well by 9:10am I was thinking what would be the easiest way out!!! lol

In Elshie's and Surfie's class there are 21 little kids...... I now know I am not teacher material!!! Do you know how loud it can get when 21 kids say "MRS. LIPPAI" (this is there teacher)!!! Over and Over again!! That teacher ranks right up there with god!!! All I have to say she defiantly has found her calling.. she was great with the little ones!!

I did land up staying to about 2:30pm helping out the teacher... I made it!! And I am going back on Friday to help with the graduation hats!!! My babies are graduating from Kindergarten on June 22, 2007!!! I am excited and so proud of the kids!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

Sunday, June 3, 2007


Ok.. so my first attempt at adding pictures didn't go so good.... That sure is a HUGE picture and it is too late into the night now to fix it!!! If anyone could help by leaving a comment as to what I did wrong!!! That would be great!!

Anyway the picture that I posted is one we took when we were in Ethiopia picking up our kids!!! This is my favourite "landscape" picture !!! I think it shows the true beauty of Ethiopia's countryside.

I am heading off to bed now and hopefully I can figure out how to SHRINK that picture in the morning after a good strong cup of Joe!!

Thanks for Reading

Lana Lee Ferguson

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Hello Everyone!!

After much thought and an ok with Jamie I have started to blog!!

A little introduction of the Ferguson Family:
James - Born in Pictou Nova Scotia and lived there until the mid 1990's when he moved to Calgary Alberta. This is where Jamie and I met.
Lana Lee - Born in Atwater, Saskatachewan and lived there until I graduated from High School. I went off to school and moved to many different towns for about 3 years. I moved to Calgary in 1997 , met Jamie in 1999 and moved home to Saskatchewan in 2001. We brought home Elshie and Surfie in November 2005.
Surafel - Born in Addis Abba, Ethiopia Surafel enjoys soccer, grandma's cinnamon buns and is just finishing up kindergarten.
Elshadai - Born in Addis Abba, Ethiopia. Elshadai enjoys a little a bit of everything, grandma's oreo cookies, and is just finishing up kindergarten too.

Jamie and I have decided to take some time off of work and travel the country. We will be starting out on June 23 (Our 6th Wedding Anniversary) to travel back to Pictou, Nova Scotia. During our trip to Nova Scotia I will update everyone where we are and what we did that day!!

I think that is all for now!!

Once I become better at this "bloggin" I will post pictures and videos!!

I hope everyone will enjoy our trip as much as we will!!

See everyone when we get back!!

Lana Lee Ferguson