A little different post tonight...
Everynight is the same... eat supper, do homework, bedtime routine, story for the kids, kids to bed and then I sit down to check my email and check a list of blogs.. Tonight one blog has left me in tears...
I like to read "Owlhaven's blog" http://owlhaven.wordpress.com/ . She is a mother to 10 kids...some are adoptive and some are biological. Anyway she had a post about another family's grief....http://chapmanchannel.typepad.com/inmemoryofmaria/ .
Steven Chapman is father to biological and adoptive children.. Steven has a song named Cinderella http://www.albumrankings.com/showSong.php?song_id=898672. The song talks about taking time for loved ones just because you never know how long someone is going to be with you... Steve talks on UTUBE about how he came to write the song Cinderella..... One night he was bathing the two youngest and was in a rush and he kept on hurrying the little girls because they had to finish their bath and get to bed because it was late and he needed to write his songs...Only after putting the little ones to bed did he realize what he was doing...but rushing away their life like he had done with his older ones.. He felt that he needed to write this song "Cinderella" to remind him to take time for his wife, and children because before you know it they will be grown up and gone!!
Steven and his family just recently lost their youngest adoptive daughter (5 year old little girl)due to a tragic accident...
My heart goes out to this family... I can not imagine what they are going through!!
Lana Lee Ferguson
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Taking TIme
Monday, May 19, 2008
Having Some Fun
A couple of years back we dug up our basement to put in weeping tile. That same year we had our yard surveyed to run the water past our house and not into our house... We brought in scraper after scraper of dirt...
We still don't have our lawn back to what it was like before all the yard work started.... So again this year we are planting seed!!
I got the kids to help this afternoon!! We had alot of fun!!
Have a good Afternoon!!
Surfie, Elshie and Lana Lee
The Birds are Back
We have a number of bird feeders in our backyard...today was the first day in a while where we didn't have any wind.
So the birds came out in full force. While we were eating lunch today we lost count on how many were at all the bird feeders and on the ground...
We all love the yellow birds that come back each year.. When we went outside I decided to take some pictures!
Lana Lee Ferguson
Youth Group Windup
During the year the kids attend the Baptist Youth Group in Esterhazy every other Monday. This past Monday was their windup and as in other years the kids put on a play to explain what they have learnt the past year....
This years theme was the 10 Commandents. Each week the kids were taught a different Commandents.
Lana Lee Ferguson
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Update on the Cupboards
Hello.. Two posts in one night!!
I thought that I would show you what we decided to do with the cupboards!! I still have to find some plants to go in the top cupboards!!
After living 5 months without doors.. we decided to put them back on.. as you can see the "drawers" are not in.. Jamie didn't get time to put them in before he went to visit his family in Nova Scotia. Once Jamie gets back they will go back in!! I hope to paint the island while he is gone!!
Lana Lee
Trip Home from Saskatoon
Well I left off with a trip to Saskatoon... I went and stayed with some friends...I had a great time.. they are always great hosts!!
Joanne and I spent the day shopping...I haven't had that much fun for a long time...We shopped for clothes.. for myself, Surafel, Elshadai and Jamie....It was great exactly what the doctor ordered!!
Fastword to the end of the shopping trip..I am traveling home to Atwater and about an 1 hour out of Saskatoon..when all of the sudden I couldn't steer the van very good.. So I stopped on the side of the road .. to find that I had a FLAT TIRE on the back of the van on the passenger side. Now what is a girl too do?? The van is loaded to the max with all my purchases... I am in the middle of nowhere and HOURS from home....
SO of course because of the stress in my life and things that have gone on in the past couple days all I can do is sit and have a good cry and wonder why me??
I then decided that wasn't getting me anywhere.. I got up and decided that I was going to change my tire... SO I unloaded the back of my van into the front of my van.... got out the jack.... jacked up the van..got the tire off... ALL THE WHILE I WOULD LIKE TO SAY CARS, TRUCKS, and SEMIS passing ME!!!!
NOT ONE WOULD STOP I was begining to loose faith in good old Saskatchewan people.. Now back to the tire...So I am thinking alright where is the spare??? AHHH right underneath the van....but how do I get it off?? I couldn't figure it out... and then ahhh some good old Saskatchewan boys stopped to help me....They showed me how to get the tire off!!! I would like to thank those two CN workers!!! I have no pictures ....I was to upset and mad to remember to take pictures!!
I was off and driving home to my family!!
Lana Lee