Thursday, May 22, 2008

Taking TIme

A little different post tonight...

Everynight is the same... eat supper, do homework, bedtime routine, story for the kids, kids to bed and then I sit down to check my email and check a list of blogs.. Tonight one blog has left me in tears...

I like to read "Owlhaven's blog" . She is a mother to 10 kids...some are adoptive and some are biological. Anyway she had a post about another family's grief.... .

Steven Chapman is father to biological and adoptive children.. Steven has a song named Cinderella The song talks about taking time for loved ones just because you never know how long someone is going to be with you... Steve talks on UTUBE about how he came to write the song Cinderella..... One night he was bathing the two youngest and was in a rush and he kept on hurrying the little girls because they had to finish their bath and get to bed because it was late and he needed to write his songs...Only after putting the little ones to bed did he realize what he was doing...but rushing away their life like he had done with his older ones.. He felt that he needed to write this song "Cinderella" to remind him to take time for his wife, and children because before you know it they will be grown up and gone!!

Steven and his family just recently lost their youngest adoptive daughter (5 year old little girl)due to a tragic accident...

My heart goes out to this family... I can not imagine what they are going through!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

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