Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Every Monday night my grandmother takes the kids for the night!! They have religion class after school and then she takes them to Youth Group. We have been doing this for about two years now. So this means that Tuesday mornings Jamie and I have to ourselves.

This morning seems especially quiet... I got up, showered, ate breakfast, surfed my usually blogs, order some books online and now I am about to leave for work.

But all though this I notice how quiet everything is, and I find myself waiting to here the pitter patter of the kid's feet come down the stairs, or waiting for them to sneak up on me and try to scare me!!

I guess I am trying to say I miss them this morning...something was missing this morning... laughs, smiles, hugs, chit chat about the day, the morning busy rush.lol.

Some mornings I would just love to have a quiet moment to try and here myself think..but today I have all the moments I need...

Have a good day.

I have some new pictures of the kids which I will post later today!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

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