Friday, March 21, 2008

Update- Easter Weekend


If there is anyone left out holding on to see if I update this blog.... Here I am!!

Well Jamie and the kids are off to Calgary to see Jamie's brother (David and his family) and spend the whole weekend with them. I have stayed behind to study for my last two exams....My final school exam that is on May 8 and my national exam on July 9th!!!

We have had a busy winter and can't wait for spring to happen!! For the first time in January we took the kids to the Science Centre and IMAX Theatre!!

We also took the kids to tubing in Manitoba one weekend..

We have tried to spend as much time outside this winter with the kids.. my mom and dad bought them a "skating rink" for our baackyard.. which they just loved!!!

The kids are growing fast.. we have them in Youth Group and in the Music for Young Children program. The Music program is once a week for 34 weeks.. we are nearing the end.

The kids have informed us that they want to be in baseball this year instead of soccer...I am not sure where this come from but I guess we are going into baseball!!!

Well that is all for now!!

Talk to you soon

Lana Lee Ferguson

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