Thursday, June 28, 2007


Tonight after talking to my family I turned on the TV and the show "The Hour" was on. Tonight they had this guy on there that has a blog and has written a book or two!! Frank's blog is dedicated to "Secrets" of people. You can email or mail homemade or bought postcards to him about secrets that you need to get off your mind, chest, or just in need to tell someone and have never been able to tell anyone!! On the show he stated that he receives around 1000 postcards a week from people telling him their "secret" and then every Sunday he posts I think 20 new postcards on the website!!

Some of the postcards you can relate too and others you think how sad for that person...... They have a comment section which I think that the website could do with out....

But anyway here is the site One of the comments that Frank made on the tv show tonight was how many times after posting the "secret" the sender has replyed back to Frank stating how it helped that person just to get it off of their chest..... or just by sending the postcard how a weight was lifted off of their shoulders!!

In today's world we are so busy working, trying to keep up with the Jonees, and taking care of everyone else that we forget how to take care of ourselves..... and only realizing sometimes what truly is going on when it is all most too late!!!

A little different post tonight....

Jamie and I were these people..... work,work,work, go, go, go never taking time for ourselves!!! This spring reality set in that we have had to learn to take it easy.... learn to take care of ourselves..... I was asked a couple of weeks ago by someone "What truly has to be done in a day that couldn't wait to be done tomorrow?" .....That person went on to say for example.. if your house is on fire you really can't put it off till tomorrow......but that if you are enjoying time with your kids....the weeds in the garden that are already 3 feet high can wait to tomorrow to be picked!!

This same person asked my husband "How do you eat an Elephant???"

The answer to this question is how he thinks we should live our lives....... Does anyone know the answer???

Until tomorrow!!!

Lana Lee


Anonymous said...

One bite at a time.

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.