Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Went Back to School

Well today I went back to school.... that is kindergarten!!! I decided that since I am not working that I would volunteer some time at the school!! I am not sure what I was thinking when I phoned the teacher and said sure I can come in and help!!??? What do you need and how many days would you like me to come in!!??

I get there at 8:50 in the morning so proud... excited.... just pumped to spend the day in the classroom with the kids!!! Well by 9:10am I was thinking what would be the easiest way out!!! lol

In Elshie's and Surfie's class there are 21 little kids...... I now know I am not teacher material!!! Do you know how loud it can get when 21 kids say "MRS. LIPPAI" (this is there teacher)!!! Over and Over again!! That teacher ranks right up there with god!!! All I have to say she defiantly has found her calling.. she was great with the little ones!!

I did land up staying to about 2:30pm helping out the teacher... I made it!! And I am going back on Friday to help with the graduation hats!!! My babies are graduating from Kindergarten on June 22, 2007!!! I am excited and so proud of the kids!!

Lana Lee Ferguson

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